Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Insights into the Nature of Things

One of the great things about being human is that you have the opportunity to keep learning about yourself, and even better, other creatures. A revelation about my basic nature cropped up today while I was working on a post for my primary blog, Foothills Fancies: I have a deep affiliation for circumboreal ecosystems.

Okay, that probably shouldn't be a surprise. Many plants and other animals have ranges restricted to certain of these larger global patterns—why shouldn't humans display similar preferences? Of course we do!

E.O. Wilson has defined biophilia as our innate tendency to be drawn toward living systems. It's perhaps possible, though challenging, to be evenly attracted to the entire range of life, from tube worms in deep sea vents to cryptogamic crusts on the desert floor, from polar bears to microscopic pond algae. Some of us are even attracted to life in fantastic or mythological forms, else why are dragons so popular?

But we all have a center we revolve around, and perhaps I've found mine today. I'll be back when I've completed that other post! And I promise I'll explain what this new blog is about, and why.

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